It’s been the wont of this poor parenting generation and everyone else around, from experts to those poor lay-parents (that’s poor twice! Well guess what, I’m a parent too, let me wallow some more, while I’ve got you) alike to call children special. Ever since you were born, you’ve been told you were special in every sense. Oh so adorable, cute, brilliant, and whatnot? If your parents have tempered this “special” with a “to me” caveat, you’re in the minority. And some way across the board, as you pick your way through life, you begin to aspire to be special, or to continue to be special. Once the *unconditional love* concept has been grasped, you, me, and everyone else around who has been born human would do well to recall that special is something has to be earned. You work and work at it, and work some more. It’s not a status quo. You do not qualify and then keep the title for life. It is rather tacky to expect that. Without having had much time for your inflated ego to go ...